Centre for Policy on Ageing


Can you see me?
 — an Amanda Waring film for the National Council for Palliative Care: [DVD]
Author(s)Amanda Waring
Corporate AuthorNational Council for Palliative Care - NCPC
PublisherNational Council for Palliative Care, London, 2010
Pages1 DVD + leaflet
SourceNational Council for Palliative Care, The Fitzpatrick Building, 188-194 York Way, London N7 9AS. E-mail: enquiries@ncpc.org.uk Website: www.ncpc.org.uk
KeywordsMinorities ; Terminal care ; Dying ; Needs [elderly] ; Audio visual aids.
AnnotationThis film aims to inspire and encourage providers and commissioners of end of life care to consider everyone in their community, particularly those who are often invisible, including those who are homeless, from black minority ethnic communities, and who have conditions other than cancer. It describes end of life care needs, how to respond, and ways to ask people what they want. The film could be used in training, for discussion around questions such as: Who is in your community? Are you meeting their needs? Have you asked them what they want? The leaflet also refers to Dying Matters, a national coalition led by the National Council for Palliative Care, which aims to ask such questions and to change public knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards death, dying and bereavement (see www.dyingmatters.org). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100820005 M
ClassmarkTG: LV: CX: IK: UF

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