Centre for Policy on Ageing


International Journal of Education and Ageing
Corporate AuthorAssociation for Education & Ageing - AEA
Journal titleInternational Journal of Education and Ageing, 2010, vol 1, no 1-
PublisherAssociation for Education & Ageing - AEA, Leicester
SourceInstitute of Lifelong Learning, Leicester University, Regent Road, Leicester, LE1 7AA.
AnnotationPublished by AEA in response to the changing world of adult education, older people and ageing. The Journal will bring together the best of international research, scholarship and practice on education, learning and ageing in a critical and accessible manner. Conference papers, research in progress and international project news will be included. AEA published the journal, Education and Ageing, between 1986 and 2003 and this Journal re-launches the mission of the original title. Published three times a year. Book reviews included. Initially in print only, an online format (including back issues) wil be available by the second volume. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-100806204 H

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