Centre for Policy on Ageing


Adult social care
 — a consultation paper
Corporate AuthorLaw Commission
PublisherLaw Commission, 24 February 2010
Pages193 pp (Consultation paper, no 192)
SourceDownload from website (06/07/10): http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/docs/cp192.pdf
KeywordsServices ; Community care ; Social policy ; Law.
AnnotationThe legislative framework for adult residential care, community care, adult protection and support for carers is inadequate, often incomprehensible and outdated. To this day, it remains a confusing patchwork of conflicting statues enacted over a period of 60 years. There is no single, modern statute to which service providers and service users can look to understand whether (and, if so, what kind of) services can or must be provided. The overall aim of the project is to provide a clearer, modern and more cohesive legislative framework relating to adult social care in England and Wales. The project has been split into three phases. The first was the publication of a scoping report setting out the scope of the project and provide it with a detailed agenda for reform. The second stage is the substantive law reform project, consisting of the publication of this consultation paper, undertaking a broad public consultation, analysing the responses and publishing a final report. The third stage consists of production of a draft bill to implement the recommendations of our final report. The consultation period for the second stage runs until 1 July 2010. For further information about the Law Commission's project, see weblink: (http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/adult_social_care.htm) (KJ/RH)
Accession NumberCPA-100706202 E
ClassmarkI: PA: TM2: VR

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