Centre for Policy on Ageing


Calibrating disability measures across British national surveys
Author(s)Carol Jagger, Ruth Matthews, Derek King
Corporate AuthorMAP 2030 (Modelling Ageing Programmes to 2030); New Dynamics of Ageing Programme - NDA
PublisherMAP 2030 (Modelling Ageing Programmes to 2030) and New Dynamics of Ageing Programme, [London], 16 July 2009
Pages40 pp
SourceDownload: https://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/MAP2030/docs/MAP2030DWPp...
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Self care capacity ; Mobility ; Measurement ; Social surveys ; Comparison.
AnnotationThe ability, or difficulty experienced, in performing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) is widely used as a measure of disability, in particular for older people, as it is a good predictor of the use of health and long-term care services. Since the first ADL scale was proposed in the 1960s, many other scales have been developed. This report investigates the comparability of the measures of limitations in ADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) and mobility questions in five British surveys: the British Household Panel Study (BHPS), the English Longitudinal Survey of Ageing (ELSA), the Family Resources Survey (FRS), the General Household Survey (GHS), and the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC CFAS). It further uses the hierarchical nature of ADLs and IADLs measures to identify a comparable measure of disability in older people, at a level indicating need for social care, across the surveys. Considerable differences were found in the number and type of (I)ADL items used in the surveys, in particular the FRS questions relate to functional limitations (body functions) rather than activities. The FRS was excluded from further analysis. In the remaining four surveys there were two items present in all surveys and considerable overlap in others. The authors recommend that the major UK surveys could agree on a core set of (I)ADL items to be included in each with exactly the same wording of questions and structure. This study was funded by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100608001 E
ClassmarkBN: CA: C4: 3R: 3F: 48

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