Centre for Policy on Ageing


Abuse of older people
 — crime or family dynamics?
Author(s)Pamela Kinnear, Adam Graycar
Corporate AuthorAustralian Institute of Criminology
Journal titleTrends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, no 113, May 1999
Publisherelectronic format, Canberra, May 1999
Pages6 pp
SourceAustralian Institute of Criminology GPO Box 2944 Canberra ACT, 2601, Australia. http://www.aic.gov.au
KeywordsElder abuse ; Crime ; Family relationships ; Research Reviews ; Australia.
AnnotationIn Australia, about 4.6% of older people are victims of physical, sexual or financial abuse, perpetrated mostly by family members and those who are in a duty of care relationship with the victim. This paper discusses whether criminal acts such as assault, sexual assault and theft should be redefined as abuse. It examines intervention issues in domestic violence and child abuse, and points out that older persons in abusive situations have virtually no choices, because the alternative (moving to an institution) is what they desire least. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100602203 A
ClassmarkQNT: TWA: DS:SJ: 3A:6KC: 7YA *

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