Centre for Policy on Ageing


Preventive social care
 — is it cost effective?
Author(s)Natasha Curry
Corporate AuthorWanless Social Care Review, King's Fund
PublisherKing's Fund, London, 2006
Pages44 pp (Background paper, Wanless Social Care Review)
SourceDownload: www.kingsfund.org.uk/document.rm?id=8285
KeywordsServices ; Needs [elderly] ; Finance [care] ; Social policy ; Cost effectiveness ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThis is one of a series of appendices to 'Securing good care for older people: taking a long-term view'. Prevention is considered to be an important part of future health and social care provision. The assumption is that preventive social care will ultimately lead to lower use of resources and therefore prove to be cost effective in the long term. However, there is debate about the impact this will have. This paper brings together evidence to examine the sort of cost savings that could be expected from certain preventive interventions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100526001 E
ClassmarkI: IK: QC: TM2: WEC: 64A

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