Centre for Policy on Ageing


Cost-effectiveness of a stepped care intervention to prevent depression and anxiety in late life
 — randomised trial
Author(s)Petronella van't Veer-Tazelaar, Filip Smit, Hein van Hout
Journal titleBritish Journal of Psychiatry, vol 196, no 4, April 2010
Pagespp 319-324
Sourcehttp://bjp.rcpsych.org doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.109.069617
KeywordsDepression ; Anxiety ; Diagnosis ; Psychiatric treatment ; General practice ; Cost effectiveness ; Comparison ; Evaluation ; Netherlands.
AnnotationThere is an urgent need for the development of cost-effective preventive strategies to reduce the onset of mental disorders. The aim of this study was to establish the cost-effectiveness of a stepped care preventive intervention for depression and anxiety disorders in older people at high risk of these conditions, compared with routine primary care. An economic evaluation was conducted alongside a pragmatic randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN26474556). Consenting individuals presenting with sub-threshold levels of depressive or anxiety symptoms were randomly assigned to a preventive stepped care programme (n = 86) or to routine primary care (n = 84). The intervention was successful in halving the incidence rate of depression and anxiety at Ç563 (£412) per recipient and Ç4367 (£3196) per disorder-free year gained, compared with routine primary care. The latter would represent good value for money if the willingness to pay for a disorder-free year is at least Ç5000. The prevention programme generated depression- and anxiety-free survival years in the older population at affordable cost. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100428202 A
ClassmarkENR: ENP: LK7: LP: L5: WEC: 48: 4C: 76H

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