Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social security in an ageing world
 — adapting to demographic challenges
Author(s)Sarah Harper, George Leeson, Kenneth Howse
Corporate AuthorInternational Social Security Association - ISSA; Oxford Institute of Ageing
PublisherInternational Social Security Association - ISSA (electronic format only), Geneva, March 2010
Pages4 pp (Social Policy Highlight 12) (Social security essentials)
SourceDownload from ISSA website: http://www.issa.int
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Demography ; Social policy ; International.
AnnotationIn 2010, a number of Social Policy Highlights will report on the impact of demographic change on social security, and will consider specific issues including pension financing, family benefits, health care provision, and the role of a preventative culture. This issue summarises the evolving nature of global population ageing, and reports on the challenges of rising older people dependency ratios for social security systems in ageing societies. It details the labour market and savings opportunities for societies with falling youth dependency ratios. It considers how national collective goals may influence adaptation to population ageing, and presents policy lessons for national social security systems. If countries are to adapt successfully to these challenges, key policy lessons must be learned. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100412201 E
ClassmarkJH: S8: TM2: 72 *

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