Centre for Policy on Ageing


Is physical rehabilitation for older people in long-term care effective? Findings from a systematic review
 — findings from a systematic review
Author(s)Anne Forster, Ruth Lambley, John B Young
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 39, no 2, March 2010
Pagespp 169-175
Sourcehttp://www.ageing.oxfordjournals.org http://www.bgs.org.uk doi:10.1093/ageing/afp247
KeywordsRehabilitation ; Services ; Health services ; Long term ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationA systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted to determine the effect of physical rehabilitation for older people (aged 60+) in long-term care. The following were searched: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Medline, EMBASE, AMED, CINAHL, PEDro, British Nursing Index, ASSIA, IBSS, PsychINFO, DARE, HMIC, NHS, EED, HTA, Web of Science, Index to UK Theses and Dissertation Abstracts, the National Research Register, Medical Research Council Register, CRIB, Current Controlled Trials, and HSRPRo. The primary outcome was measures of activity restriction. 49 trials were identified involving 1611 subjects with an average age of 82 years. Intervention duration was typically 12 weeks with a treatment intensity of three 30-minute sessions per week. Exercise was the main component of the interventions. The mean attendance rate for 17 studies was 84% (range 71%-97%). 33 trials, including the 9 trials recruiting over 100 subjects, reported positive findings, mostly improvement in mobility but also strength, flexibility and balance. Physical rehabilitation for older people in long-term care is acceptable and potentially effective. Larger scale studies are needed to confirm the findings, and should include longer term follow-up and assessment for possible harms. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100407214 A
ClassmarkLM: I: L: 4Q: LHB: KW: 64A

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