Centre for Policy on Ageing


Shaping equality and fairness after the recession
 — a report of the Equality and Diversity Forum Seminar Series
Corporate AuthorEquality and Diversity Forum; ORC Worldwide; Equality and Human Rights Commission - EHRC
PublisherEquality and Diversity Forum (electronic format), London, March 2010
Pages36 pp
SourceEquality and Diversity Forum, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ.
KeywordsPoverty ; Rights [elderly] ; Labour economics ; Social policy ; Conference proceedings.
AnnotationThe Equality and Diversity Forum (EDF) held two seminars in late 2008 looking at how we deal with the current financial crisis; this report outlines the proceedings. The first seminar, 'Redefining equality and fairness', introduced a Joseph Rowntree Trust (JRF) report, 'Understanding attitudes to tackling economic inequality' by Tim Horton and Louise Bamfield. The report examined attitudes to welfare in the UK and the effect of inequality on society. The second seminar, 'Vision of the future: polity, economy and inequality', bears in mind that a General Election will take place within 6 months. Three speakers from groups aligned respectively with a Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative outlook - Compass, Centre Forum, and Demos - each took a distinctive politic perspective. Debate at the seminars identified seven key issues: importance of awareness of the facts about inequality and poverty; whether equality, fairness, social mobility and diversity are the same or different; the lack of transparency and consensus on fairness; whether there is a long term global trend to increasing economic inequality; whether or not social hierarchies and segregation are growing; that it is vital to make equality legislation work effectively; and the relationship between the benefits system and inequality. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100401203 E
ClassmarkW6: IKR: WH: TM2: 6M

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