Centre for Policy on Ageing


Building the National Care Service
 — executive summary
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH; HM Government
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 30 March 2010
Pages30 pp (Care, support, independence) (Ref: 301585)
SourceOrder: http://www.orderline.dh.gov.uk DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. Email: dh@prolog.uk.com Tel 0300 123 1001; Minicom 0300 123 1993. Download at :
KeywordsServices ; Social Services Departments ; Finance [care] ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationThis executive summary outlines the content of White Paper (same title) which has followed the Government's Big Care Debate consultation on the Green Paper, 'Shaping the future of care together' (Cm 7673; TSO, 2009). It introduces the concept of a National Care Service, which will be underpinned by six founding principles: be universal; be free when people need it; work in partnership; ensure choice and control; support family, carers and community life; and be accessible. People can also expect the following from the National Care Service: prevention services; nationally consistent eligibility criteria; a joined-up service; information and advice; personalised care and support; and fair funding. This document also outlines how the comprehensive funding option was arrived at; that the Attendance Allowance (AA) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) will be maintained; how accommodation costs in residential care will be treated; and securing the care and support system over the next five years. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100330004 B
ClassmarkI: PF: QC: TM2: 6OA

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