Centre for Policy on Ageing


Digging for (G)old
 — a film about the contribution of older Londoners
Corporate AuthorAge Concern London - ACL
PublisherAge Concern London - ACL, London, 2010
PagesDVD (45 mins)
SourceAge Concern London: general@aclondon.org.uk
KeywordsCitizenship ; Voluntary work [elderly] ; Participation ; London ; Audio visual aids.
AnnotationDigging for (G)old is a documentary film celebrating the success of older Londoners. It challenges the common media and political representation of older people and highlights the energy, skills and knowledge older Londoners share in our communities. Age Concern London commissioned professional film-maker Ivan Riches to work with ACL campaign volunteer Sally de Sousa to show how volunteering can transform older people's lives. The film also shows that dedication to volunteering in later life has many benefits to the lives of the volunteers, helping them to remain active and with a sense of purpose. The film is divided into eight chapters but runs continuously for 45 minutes. The making of it was lottery funded. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100310229 M
ClassmarkIKC: GHH: TMB: 82L: UF *

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