Centre for Policy on Ageing


Efficacy of integrated interventions combining psychiatric care and nursing home care for nursing home residents
 — a review of the literature
Author(s)Janine Collet, Marjolein E de Vugt, Frans R J Verhey
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 25, no 1, January 2010
Pagespp 3-13
Sourcehttp://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/gps doi: 10.1002/gps.2307
KeywordsBehaviour disorders ; Psychiatric treatment ; Management [care] ; Nursing homes ; Clinical surveys ; Multi disciplinary ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationNursing home residents needing both psychiatric care and nursing home care for either somatic illness or dementia combined with psychiatric disorders or severe behavioural problems are referred to as Double Care Demanding patients, or DCD patients. Integrated models of care seem to be necessary in order to improve the well-being of these residents. Two research questions were addressed. First, which integrated interventions combining both psychiatric care and nursing home care in DCD nursing home residents are described in the research literature? Second, which outcomes of integrated interventions combining both psychiatric care and nursing home care in DCD nursing home residents are reported in the literature? A critical review of studies was done that involved integrated interventions combining both psychiatric care and nursing home care on psychiatric disorders and severe behavioural problems in nursing home patients. A systematic literature search was performed in a number of international databases. Eight intervention trials, including four RCTs (2b level of evidence), were identified as relevant studies for the purpose of this review. Seven studies, three of which were RCTs, showed beneficial effects of a comprehensive, integrated multidisciplinary approach combining medical, psychiatric and nursing interventions on severe behavioural problems in DCD nursing home patients. Important elements of a successful treatment strategy for DCD nursing home patients include a thorough assessment of psychiatric, medical and environmental causes as well as programmes for teaching behavioural management skills to nurses. DCD nursing home patients were found to benefit from short-term mental hospital admission. This review underlines the need for more rigorously designed studies to assess the effects of a comprehensive, integrated multidisciplinary approach towards DCD nursing home residents. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100309201 A
ClassmarkEP: LP: QA: LHB: 3G: 3DM: 64A

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