Centre for Policy on Ageing


Disability-related costs and charges for community care
Author(s)Ann Kestenbaum
Corporate AuthorDisablement Income Group (DIG)
PublisherDisablement Income Group, London, October 1997
Pages76 pp
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Community care ; Costs [care] ; Charges ; Projects.
AnnotationMost disabled people have extra costs as a direct consequence of their disability. During 1996/97, the Disablement Income Group (DIG) carried out an exploration of the issues involved in assessing disabled people's ability to pay service charges, and a detailed investigation of their disability-related costs. The research was funded by the Nuffield Foundation, and included discussions with representatives of social services departments (SSDs), disabled people's organisations, and focus groups representing people with particular types of disability or living circumstances. There is a need for a disability-related costs assessment incorporating flexibility, fairness, reasonableness, practicality and respect. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100302002 B
ClassmarkBN: PA: QDC: QEJ: 3E

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