Centre for Policy on Ageing


Human Rights Inquiry
 — report of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Author(s)Nuala O'Loan
Corporate AuthorEquality and Human Rights Commission - EHRC
PublisherEquality and Human Rights Commission, Manchester, June 2009
Pages198 pp
SourceEquality and Human Rights Commission, Arndale House, The Arndale Centre, Manchester M4 3AQ. http://www.equalityhumanrights.com
KeywordsRights [elderly] ; Law ; Social policy ; Reports.
AnnotationThe Human Rights Inquiry was announced in March 2008 with these terms of reference: to assess progress towards the effectiveness and enjoyment of a culture of respect for human rights in Great Britain; and to consider how the current human rights framework might best be developed and used, to realise the vision of a society built on fairness and respect, confident in all aspects of its diversity. This report presents the Inquiry's methodology, findings and recommendations arranged in six chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 consider the effectiveness of the Human Rights Act and public perceptions of human rights. Chapter 3 examines the impact of human rights on public services (including voluntary organisations), citing examples of improved outcomes in health and social care services, local authority services, and regulatory authorities. Chapter 4, on barriers to assertion, provision and enjoyment of human rights, comments on issues such as negative perceptions of the Act and the inaccurate portrayal of human rights issues by some print media. Chapter 5, on making human rights effective, focuses on the need for increased understanding and improving information, guidance and dissemination of good practices. The Inquiry's findings demonstrate that, 11 years after the passing of the Act, the overwhelming majority of people want and value human rights; and that if implemented, the Inquiry's recommendations should "facilitate rapid improvement in public services". Appendices include summaries of key findings from reports commissioned by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on legal cases, public services, and inspectorates and regulators. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100302001 B
ClassmarkIKR: VR: TM2: 6K

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