Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elderly in America
 — a descriptive study of elder abuse examining National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Data, 2000-2005
Author(s)Jessie L Krienert, Jeffrey A Walsh, Moriah Turner
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, vol 21, no 4, 2009
PublisherRoutledge, 2009
Pagespp 325-345
KeywordsElder abuse ; Crime ; Cross national surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationElder abuse is the newest form of intra-familial violence to garner the attention of the public, policy makers, health officials, researchers, and the criminal justice system. Despite evidence that elder abuse is a growing problem, there is little known about the phenomenon because of persistent limitations in the extant empirical work. The present study examined a large cross-national sample of reported incidents (n = 87,422) collected as part of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 2000-2005. Addressing limitations in previous works, this research employed a criminal justice oriented definition of elder abuse examining victim, offender, and incident characteristics using chi-square tests and logistic regression to establish baseline findings from a more comprehensive sample of data than previously existed. Results render a baseline profile of victims and abusers and suggest that gender differences prevail throughout elder abuse. This work both corroborates and contrasts past findings of elder abuse research, providing new insights and much needed baseline data. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100226212 A
ClassmarkQNT: TWA: 3K: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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