Centre for Policy on Ageing


Improving care and saving money
 — learning the lessons on prevention and early intervention for older people
Corporate AuthorOlder People and Dementia Branch, Social Care Policy and Innovation, Department of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health, Leeds, 18 January 2010
Pages22 pp (Gateway ref: 12362)
SourceHelen Wiggins, Social Care Policy and Innovation - OP & Dementia, BE25 Quarry House, Leeds LS2 7UE. Weblink: www.dh.gov.uk/en/SocialCare/Deliveringadultsocialc...
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Projects ; Pilot ; Evaluation.
Annotation'The national evaluation of Partnerships for Older People Projects' conducted by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) provides a positive picture of the gains that can be achieved, based on local evaluations of the 29 POPPs pilot sites. This document provides the key learning from the national POPPs programme. It brings together a number of key policy strands, and demonstrates the importance of a preventative approach to most areas of the health and social care agenda. Among other key messages are that: involving older people is important; quality of life can be improved through preventative approaches; and meeting people's needs with a preventative approach can create efficiencies. Examples demonstrate the effectiveness of specific local projects. Published at the same time is a DVD, 'Prevention and early intervention', which explores detail on the benefits of particular interventions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100210001 B
ClassmarkL: I: QK6: 3E: 4UC: 4C

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