Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageism and age discrimination in social care in the United Kingdom
 — a review from the literature; commissioned by the Department of Health
Corporate AuthorCentre for Policy on Ageing - CPA
PublisherCentre for Policy on Ageing, London, December 2009
Pages61 pp (+ 30 pp appendices)
SourceCentre for Policy on Ageing, 25-31 Ironmonger Row, London EC1V 3QP. Available at: http://www.cpa.org.uk/information/reviews/reviews....
KeywordsAgeism ; Services ; Costs [care] ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe Department of Health (DH) commissioned the Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA) to undertake four separate reviews from the literature to provide evidence of ageism and age discrimination in the UK in social care, secondary health care, mental health services, and primary health care. This review of adult social care services aimed to determine whether older people (aged 65+) in the UK are treated lass favourably than younger users in the way resources are allocated, needs are assessed, care is planned and services are delivered. The study looks at all aspects of the potential for ageism and age discrimination in adult social care, including institutional and individual ageism and age discrimination; quality and level of services; direct and indirect discrimination; differential levels of funding, allocation of resources, and policies on charging for services; attitudes of professional staff; and evidence reflected in service users' attitudes and views. Also considered are residential care, extra-care housing, end of life care, older people with learning disabilities, and older prisoners. Concluding comments consider the extent of age discrimination in relation to systems and structures, policy and practice, and resources and funding. The evidence from this review will support DH activities to root out age discrimination in the context of the European Commission Draft Directive COM (2008) 425 (July 2008) and the introduction of the Equality Bill to Parliament (April 2009). The review has also informed 'Achieving age equality in health and social care' (2009), the review led from the South West region by Sir Ian Carruthers and Jan Ormondroyd. Appendix 1 (7 pp), on methodology, notes search strategies and processes, and the search results for the databases searched. Appendix 2 (23 pp), a bibliography, lists all items found; key items cited are also listed at the end of the main report. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100129005 E
ClassmarkB:TOB: I: QDC: 64A

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