Centre for Policy on Ageing


Report on good practices in e-inclusion, ethical guidance and designing a dialogue roadmap
 — the SENIOR Project: Social Ethical and Privacy Needs in ICT for Older People: a Dialogue Roadmap
Author(s)David Wright
Corporate AuthorSENIOR Project, European Community
PublisherTrilateral Research & Consulting LLP, London, November 2009
Pages87 pp (Senior Deliverable D4.1)
SourceContact for report: david.wright@trilateralresearch.com Website: http://www.seniorproject.eu
KeywordsInformation technology ; Participation ; Assistive technology ; Social ethics ; Standards of provision ; European Union ; Projects ; Europe.
AnnotationThe 2006 Riga Declaration on ICT for an inclusive Information Society committed EU Member States to targets for internet usage and availability, digital literacy, and accessibility of ICT by 2010. In 2007, the EU launched its i2010 e-Inclusion Initiative to raise awareness of e-inclusion, for example by identification and promotion of good practices, which this book considers. Among 10 examples of good practices described are: SignVideo (a video interpreting service for deaf people); creating a digitally and socially inclusive city in Milton Keynes; and ethical guidance on the use of wandering technologies in Scotland. A range of sources has been used to compile a checklist of ethical principles, which should be regarded as indicative rather than comprehensive. Five over-arching themes are identified: respect for autonomy (right to liberty), non-maleficence (avoiding harm), beneficence, justice, and privacy and data protection. Lastly, three stages are suggested for designing an e-inclusion (dialogue) roadmap: setting objectives and analysing the existing situation; identifying needs an d gaps and lessons learned; and formulating a strategic research agenda. However, this should be considered only as an outline for a roadmap. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100108201 B
ClassmarkUVB: TMB: M: TQ: 583: WFC: 3E: 74

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