Centre for Policy on Ageing


Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman annual report 2007-08
 — presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 10(4) of the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 and Section 14(4) of the Health Service Commissioners Act 1993
Author(s)Ann Abraham
Corporate AuthorParliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for England
PublisherTSO, London, 2008
Pages94 pp (HC 1040 session 2007-2008)
SourceParliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for England, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. http://ombudsman.org.uk Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Ombudsman ; Annual reports.
AnnotationThis annual report summarises the work carried out by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for the financial year April 2007 to March 2008. Summaries of completed investigations into complaints against the NHS are to be found in separate reports published quarterly. For the year under review, the Department for Work and Pensions received a total of 2,574 complaints, of which 19 related to the Pension Ombudsman. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-100107203 B
ClassmarkL4: PCO: 6KA

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