Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing, work-related stress and health: reviewing the evidence
 — a report for Age Concern and Help the Aged and TAEN - The Age and Employment Network
Author(s)Amanda Griffiths, Alec Knight, Diana Nor Mohd Mahudin
Corporate AuthorInstitute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham; TAEN - The Age and Employment Network
PublisherTAEN - The Age and Employment Network, London, 2009
Pages34 pp
SourceDownload from website: http://taen.org.uk/resources/view/85
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Conditions of employment ; Stress ; Health [elderly] ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationWork-related stress is thought to be responsible for more lost working days in the UK today than any other single cause. It is becoming clear that it is also one factor affecting older workers' willingness to remain in the labour force, as well as early ill-health retirement. With an ageing population, declining dependency ratios (the number of working people per retired person), and an increasing imperative to extend working lives, it is useful to know about older people's experience of stress at work. Work-related stress is best understood as a negative emotional state which, if persistent, can lead to the development of both mental and physical illness. Anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders have been associated with the report of stress and associated poor working conditions. This review considers the age-work-stress link; the effects of work-related stress on older workers' physical health; gender differences in older workers' experience of stress; psychosocial work characteristics and stress in older workers; and stress and retirement. It discusses the gaps and shortcomings in the published research, and offers tentative suggestions for employers on how to promote the successful management of an older workforce. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-091202203 E
ClassmarkGC: WKA: QNH: CC: 3A:6KC

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