Centre for Policy on Ageing


Death, dying and bereavement
 — issues for practice
Author(s)Jacqueline H Watts
PublisherDunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, 2009
Pages112 pp (Policy and practice in health and social care, 11)
SourceDunedin Academic Press Ltd., c/o Turpin Distribution, Pegasus Drive, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade SG18 8TQ. Website: www.dunedinacademicpress.co.uk
KeywordsDeath ; Dying ; Bereavement ; Terminal care ; Spiritual characteristics [elderly] ; Policy ; Scotland.
AnnotationAccording to the author, "death has become a behind the scenes activity". In this book, she highlights the changing trends in both cause and place of death, and illustrates the diversity of cultural and religious responses. She explores what is meant by palliative care, and how it is currently being implemented both in Scotland and elsewhere. She outlines the development of hospice care from its traditional building-based model, to the extending of the hospice philosophy into care homes and into people's own homes. Also examined is the interpretation of spiritual care, and our understanding of the stages of grief and of the experience of mourning. A focus of this book is the identification of the key skills that can enhance practice: the need for good communication both with the individual and family members, and with the range of professionals involved; and the quality of multi-professional and multi-disciplinary contact. Particularly important is what can be termed "disenfranchised grief", that is, grief that may not be acknowledged or sanctioned. Issues for policy and practice, for example, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and end-of-life care are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-091127006 B
ClassmarkCW: CX: DW: LV: EX: QAD: 9A

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