Centre for Policy on Ageing


User involvement in health and social care
 — patient and carer participation in medical education
Author(s)Ann Jackson, Loraine Blaxter, Gillian Lewando-Hundi
Corporate AuthorInstitute of Health, University of Warwick
Journal titleHealth at Warwick Update, no 4, 2003
PublisherWarwick, 2003
Pages4 pp
SourceDownload from website : http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/healthatwa...
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Consumer ; Participation ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationDoctors may know a great deal about diseases, but only the patients who have these conditions or their carers know what it is like to cope from day to day. Patients have the potential to teach medical students - and even qualified doctors - an enormous amount. Perhaps, surprisingly, most patients who took part in a medical education programme that involved being interviewed by medical students about their illnesses did not see themselves as teaching the students, even though most were adamant that they were the experts about their illness. Specifically, the study programme aimed to find out what patients and carers living in deprived areas thought about their participation in medical education. This Update outlines findings on this and two other studies conducted at the Institute of Health, University of Warwick: one on the interaction between service users and health care in tackling inequalities in health; the other, on understanding people's experience of cancer. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-091118201 P
ClassmarkL: I: WY: TMB: 3A:6KC *

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