Centre for Policy on Ageing


Training and assessing independent nurse prescribers
 — a model for old age psychiatry
Author(s)Sally Cubbin, Jane Pearce, Roger Bullock
Journal titlePsychiatric Bulletin, vol 33, no 9, September 2009
Pagespp 350-353
KeywordsNurses ; Drugs ; Dementia ; Teaching hospitals ; Courses ; Reliability ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe brevity of training and assessment for independent nurse prescribers has caused some concern. The authors aimed to validate an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for potential nurse prescribers in dementia. Nurses' performance after 12 days of training for potential prescribers was compared with that of doctors of different grades. The performance of doctors, but not nurses, correlated with years of experience. Many nurses, especially those working in memory clinics, scored better than junior doctors. This OSCE provides evidence of potential prescribers' competency for employers. This could make a significant contribution to maintaining high standards of patient safety with nurse prescribing. This may also be an appropriate addition to the assessment of specialty trainees as well as for revalidation. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090917202 A
ClassmarkQTE: LLD: EA: V6: VE: 5HC: 4C

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