Centre for Policy on Ageing


Personalisation briefing
 — implications for carers
Corporate AuthorSocial Care Institute for Excellence - SCIE; Carers UK
PublisherSocial Care Institute for Excellence, London, July 2009
Pages6 pp (At a glance, 10)
SourceSCIE, Fifth floor, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5BH. www.scie.org.uk/publications/ataglance/ataglance10...
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Community care ; Domiciliary services ; Informal care ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationPersonalisation for carers means tailoring support to people's individual needs and being part of the discussion about support for the carer and support for the person being looked after. Personalisation also means ensuring that people have wider choice in how their needs are met and re able to access universal services such as transport, leisure and education, housing, health and opportunities for employment regardless of disability. This At a glance briefing includes examples illustrating the views of individual carers on aspects of personalisation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090910002 P
ClassmarkI: L: PA: N: P6: 583 *

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