Centre for Policy on Ageing


Seldom heard
 — developing inclusive participation in social care
Corporate AuthorSocial Care Institute for Excellence - SCIE
PublisherSocial Care Institute for Excellence, London, September 2008
Pages9 pp (Position paper 10: summary)
SourceSCIE, Fifth floor, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5BH. www.scie.org.uk
KeywordsServices ; Usage [services] ; Isolation ; Consumer ; Participation ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationCompared to "hard-to-reach", "seldom heard" is a relatively new term, stressing the responsibility of agencies to reach out to excluded people, ensuring that they have access to services and that their voices can be heard. This position paper focuses on four groups: homeless people with addiction problems; people black and minority ethnic groups; people with communication impairments; and people with dementia. It does not describe in detail specific access requirements for each group; rather, it outlines an inclusive approach to participation. It includes a model outlining how to enable the participation of seldom-heard groups. The full position paper is available on the SCIE website. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090910001 P
ClassmarkI: QLD: TP: WY: TMB: 583 *

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