Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older People's Champion guide
Corporate AuthorWelsh Local Government Association (WLGA); Welsh Assembly Government
PublisherWelsh Assembly Government, [n.d][c.2007]
Pages9 pp
SourceDownload from website (4/8/09): http://www.wlga.gov.uk/english/older-people-public... Further information from: Welsh Local Government Association Local Government House, Drake Walk, Cardiff CF10 4LG.
KeywordsLocal Authority ; Management [care] ; Coordination ; Guides, guide books ; Wales.
AnnotationFollowing guidance in the 'Strategy for older people in Wales', champions have been appointed in every Welsh local authority. This guide offers a brief introduction to the role and types of activities Older People's Champions may wish to consider undertaking, to ensure that older people's wishes and preferences are taken into account in planning and implementing policies and services. It provides weblinks to further guidance, practice examples and other organisations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090827203 E
ClassmarkPE: QA: QAJ: 69N: 9

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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