Centre for Policy on Ageing


The impact of location on satisfaction with dementia services amongst people with dementia and their informal carers
 — a comparative evaluation of a community-based and a clinic-based memory service
Author(s)Grant Gibson, Alison Timlin, Stephen Curran
Journal titleInternational Psychogeriatrics, vol 19, no 2, April 2007
Pagespp 267-278
KeywordsDementia ; Psychiatric treatment ; Geriatric out-patients clinics ; Community care ; Location ; Attitude ; Usage [services] ; Informal care ; Qualitative Studies ; West Yorkshire.
AnnotationThe development of effective medication for the treatment of Alzheimer's diseases (AD) led to an expansion in the use of memory clinics and other clinic-based services for the delivery and monitoring of the drugs, In contrast, there is an increased emphasis on providing home and community based service delivery for a range of illnesses including dementia. This paper reports the findings of an evaluation study n West Yorkshire comparing a clinic-based and a community service. A convenience sample of 10 service users and carer dyads took part in in-depth qualitative interviews. Service users were diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia of Alzheimer's type. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and subsequently analysed using template analysis. Service users and carers were satisfied with both services, with determinants of satisfaction differing between the two services. Issues relating to the location and spatial design of services, comfort, familiarity, communication with staff, and ease of use are highlighted as important determinants of satisfaction amongst service users and their carers. This study has implications for person-centred care practices in service delivery and for the future design of mental health services for people with dementia. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090825204 A
ClassmarkEA: LP: L6G: PA: 5B4: DP: QLD: P6: 3DP: 88

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