Centre for Policy on Ageing


Research on rural caregiving
 — a literature review
Author(s)R Turner Goins, S Melinda Spencer, Joshua C Byrd
Journal titleJournal of Applied Gerontology, vol 28, no 2, April 2009
Pagespp 139-170
KeywordsInformal care ; Rural areas ; Literature reviews ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe goals of this article are to present a systematic review of rural caregiving research and provide suggestions for future research efforts. The review, conducted through a search of databases, was limited to original research articles published between 1990 and 2007. The articles focused on informal caregiving of dependent older adults in rural settings. Thirty-one articles met the inclusion criteria, with 11 being rural/urban comparative studies and 20 being rural only studies. The majority of the studies were quantitative and cross-sectional. Areas for improvement in future research include incorporating theory, defining key terms, using probability sampling, examining data longitudinally, including objective measures, recruiting more racially or ethnically diverse samples, and using a mixed-method approach. Currently, it is difficult to know the extent to which the rural environment influences informal caregiving. Additional research is needed to develop a more thorough understanding of caregiving in the rural context. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090810202 A
ClassmarkP6: RL: 64A: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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