Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing in India
Author(s)B Krishnaswamy, U Than Sein, Davison Munodawafa
Journal titleAgeing International, vol 32, no 4, December 2008
Pagespp 258-268
KeywordsAgeing process ; Services ; Health services ; Social policy ; India.
AnnotationAbout 7.6% of India's population is aged over 60. The ageing population in India faces multiple social, political, economic and cultural challenges including sub-optimal financial security, decline of traditional extended family systems due to rural-urban migration of young people, and increasing costs of health care. In India, as is the case in many developing countries, the health systems are inadequate to promote, support and protect health and social well-being of elders due in part to lack of human and financial resources. Older people find themselves exposed to harsh realities of globalisation; changes in cultural values and beliefs, high disease burden from chronic non-communicable diseases, and weak family and social welfare system. To address the health and welfare needs of this vulnerable section of society, the Government of India in 1999 developed and adopted the National Policy for Older Persons. A National Council for Older Persons and an Inter-Ministerial Committee was set up to implement the policy directions. To date, Government of India with its partners, have introduced various schemes and initiatives to promote and protect the welfare of elders. These initiatives include financial assistance for the construction of and maintenance of old peoples' homes and non-institutional services, as well as the provision of nutritious food and appropriate medical services. The Government of India, through the National Rural Health Mission has embarked on efforts to strengthen provision of primary health services and to reorient health care professionals from curative to preventive services at various levels. However, challenges remain for the health system, social welfare and health financing as the elderly population continue to rise. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090806204 A
ClassmarkBG: I: L: TM2: 7FA

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