Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people's learning: an action plan
 — a NIACE paper
Author(s)Stephen McNair
Corporate AuthorNIACE - National Institute of Adult Continuing Education
PublisherNIACE, Leicester, 2009
Pages33 pp
SourceNIACE, 21 De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GE. Website: www.niace.org.uk
KeywordsAdult Education ; Social policy.
AnnotationThe focus of government policy on vocational education for younger people has led to a decrease in the numbers of older people on publicly funded courses in recent years. This policy paper has been produced after consultation with a wide range of interested agencies. It maps out some current policy development; summarises recent research into older people's learning; and makes proposals about what a proper service of learning to older people might look like. The government Public Sector Agreement (PSA) objectives and indicators relevant to older learners are listed as an annex. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090804002 B
ClassmarkGP: TM2

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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