Centre for Policy on Ageing


Response to the National Review of Age Discrimination in Health and Social Care call for evidence
Author(s)Robert Brown
Corporate AuthorAge Concern and Help the Aged
PublisherAge Concern and Help the Aged, London, July 2009
Pages15 pp (Evidence, Ref: 3709)
SourceAge Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER. www.ageconcern.org.uk Help the Aged, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. www.helptheaged.org.uk Email: robert.brown@helptheaged.org.uk
KeywordsAgeism ; Health services ; Services ; Age Concern ; Help the Aged ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationThe ban on unjustifiable age discrimination in health and social care should be brought into force in 2012, along with other sectors covered by goods, facilities and services provisions. This document draws together examples of evidence that Age Concern and Help the Aged found regarding the pernicious effects of age discrimination against older people in health and social care. At worst, age discrimination can be a matter of life and death. Age discrimination in health and social care are best understood as three different but connected mechanisms: explicit age-based policies; frontline decisions and behaviours; and organisational level decisions. Evidence from examples of age discrimination are outlined in respect of cancer, stroke, cardiology, depression, footcare, continence, palliative care and social care. The organisation's survey of members of the British Geriatric Society (BGS) found that 47% think that the NHS is institutionally ageist, and 77% would support the introduction of legislation against age discrimination in the NHS. This document identifies eight key themes for action: national leadership; transparency and accountability; workforce; incentives; innovation; regulation; personalisation and choice; and information technology. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090731001 E
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