Centre for Policy on Ageing


Common core competences and principles for health and social care workers working with adults at the end of life to support the National End of Life Care Strategy
Corporate AuthorNational End of Life Care Programme, NHS, Department of Health - DH; Skills for Health; Skills for Care
PublisherElectronic format, June 2009
Pages31 pp
SourceDownload from website (30/7/09): http://www.endoflifecare.nhs.uk/eolc/files/NHS-EoL...
KeywordsTerminal care ; National Health Service ; Social workers ; Medical workers ; Training [welfare work] ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationSkills for Health and Skills for Care have been working with the End of Life Care Programme (EoLCP) and the Department of Health (DH) to develop workforce competences and core principles as they relate to end of life care. This document aims to support workforce development, training and education, and in identifying learning and development needs of staff in palliative and terminal care. The main competences are: communication skills; assessment and care planning; symptom management, maintaining comfort and well-being; advance care planning; and overarching values and knowledge. Seven principles underpin all workforce and service development, activity and delivery, irrespective of level and organisation, and concern: choices and priorities of the individual; effective, straightforward, sensitive and open communication; delivery through close multidisciplinary or interagency working; individuals, families and friends being well-informed; care being delivered in a sensitive, person-centred way; care and support to anyone affected by a person's end of life and death; and workers supported to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. Appendices include case examples linking competences and principles to workforce development in health and social care, and a list of useful resources and internet links from specialist organisations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090730204 E
ClassmarkLV: L4: QR: QT: QW: 583

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