Centre for Policy on Ageing


Nothing personal
 — [personal assistants recourse to disputes with their employers]
Author(s)Andrew Mickel
Journal titleCommunity Care, issue 1778, 9 July 2009
Pagespp 24-25
KeywordsCare support workers ; Conditions of employment.
AnnotationPersonal assistants (Pas) have little backup when disputes with their employers arise, for example over hours worked and rates of pay. Some local authorities have established special organisations to attend to these matters. The Scottish Personal Assistants Employers Network (Spaen) aims to ensure that employers know their rights and responsibilities. Spaen and the union, Unison are planning a mediation service in Scotland with the aim of preventing disputes. However, PAs elsewhere in the UK are likely to have to rely employers's goodwill. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090721204 A
ClassmarkQRS: WKA *

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