Centre for Policy on Ageing


End of life care strategy
 — first annual report
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health - DH electronic format, London, July 2009
Pages65 pp
SourceDownload from website (20/7/09): http://www.dh.gov.uk
KeywordsTerminal care ; National Health Service ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Annual reports.
AnnotationThe End of Life Care Strategy published in July 2008 was the first such strategy for the UK. Using practice examples from different localities, this first annual progress report takes stock of how challenges in meeting end of life care are being met. It reviews issues including: death, dying and bereavement; the end of life care pathway; care in different settings; support for carers and families; development of the care workforce; and research projects. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090720203 E
ClassmarkLV: L4: KW: LHB: 6KA

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