Centre for Policy on Ageing


The case for change - why England needs a new care and support system
 — engagement findings
Corporate AuthorHM Government; [Ipsos MORI; COI; Synovate]
PublisherCOI for Department of Health - DH, London, July 2009
Pages413 pp (ref: 295934) (Care Support Independence)
SourceOrder copies from: www.orderline.dh.gov.uk Tel: 0300 123 1002
KeywordsServices ; Social Services Departments ; Finance [care] ; Social policy ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationThis report comprises summaries of responses to the Government's 'Care, Support and Independence' engagement about the future of adult care and support in England which took place between May and November 2008. Ipsos MORI presents an executive summary of engagement findings; an analysis of toolkit responses; an analysis of findings from citizens' events (four regional deliberative events and a national reconvened event); an analysis of qualitative research on inclusivity; and a report on all other written responses and website voting. COI presents an analysis of findings from nine regional deliberative events and a national stakeholder panel event. Synovate analyses written responses from stakeholders. Whereas members of the public generally had limited understanding of the care and support sector beyond their direct and indirect experiences of services, most stakeholders had a more detailed knowledge. Among key questions asked were: what should the balance of responsibility be between the family, the individual and the Government; and should the system be the same for everybody or should we consider varying the ways government funding is allocated according to certain principles? (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090715207 B
ClassmarkI: PF: QC: TM2: 3DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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