Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older Latina women and HIV/AIDS
 — an examination of sexuality and culture as they relate to risk and protective factors
Author(s)Richard L Beaulaurier, Shelley L Craig, Mario De La Rosa
Journal titleJournal of Gerontological Social Work, vol 52, issue 1, 2009
PublisherThe Haworth Press, Inc., 2009
Pagespp 48-63
KeywordsEthnic groups ; South America ; Older women ; Sexual activity ; At risk ; AIDS ; United States of America.
AnnotationOlder Latina women are one of the least studied American demographic groups with regard to social, health or sexual behaviour. This could leave social workers and other professionals unprepared for dealing with HIV/AIDS in this population. Currently older Latina women are one of the fastest growing groups of new AIDS cases. 22% of all women ever diagnosed are Latina, and 5.5% of Latinas infected with the virus are older. The number of diagnosed infections is increasing in older women, including Latinas, in spite of recent declines in infection rates with younger population groups. There is also a potentially large number of cases that go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. This article also addresses risk and protective factors related to gender roles, traditional Latino family values, religion, socioeconomic factors, health and health care, with special attention to the triple jeopardy faced by this population by virtue of being female, seniors and minorities. The article concludes with recommendations for the development of culturally competent practices with older Latinas and the development of a research agenda to better understand their risk-related and health-seeking behaviour. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090630204 A
ClassmarkTK: 7W: BD: BIU: CA3: CQTT: 7T

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