Centre for Policy on Ageing


The extent and impact of depression on BME older people and the acceptability, accessibility and effectiveness of social care provision
Author(s)Nadira Sharif, Walt Brown, Deborah Rutter
Corporate AuthorSocial Care Institute for Excellence - SCIE; Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London
PublisherSocial Care Institute for Excellence - SCIE, December 2008
Pages94 pp (Adults' services systematic map report 03)
SourceSCIE, Fifth floor, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5BH. www.scie.org.uk
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Depression ; Services ; Performance ; Quality ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationSystematic maps aim to describe the existing research literature on a broad topic area and also highlight any gaps. This report focuses on depression in older people from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities to consider three map questions. First, what is the extent and impact of depression in older people from BME communities in the UK? Second, are there barriers to recognition of depression for these groups? Lastly, what social care provision is available for BME older people with depression; and is this provision acceptable, accessible and effective, and does it promote well-being? From an initial 3,038 unique records identified in searches of databases covering health, the 60 studies included in the map were focused on depression, implied depression or maintaining mental health. More than half had been undertaken in urban locations such as London and Bradford; and 43 were about exploration of relationships or correlations between different factors. The authors find that, despite the coverage of broad issues on depression in BME older people, the map highlights considerable gaps. For example, there were no evaluations of the effectiveness of social care interventions. The appendices include: definitions of key map terms; the inclusion/exclusion criteria; the search strategies employed for each database used; keywording tools (i.e. other attributes); and a list of references used in the systematic map. The systematic map is available as a searchable database of citations (http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/webdatabases) and has been developed in partnership between SCIE information managers and research staff, and a team from the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King's. College London. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-090626201 E
ClassmarkTK: ENR: I: 5H: 59: 64A

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