Centre for Policy on Ageing


Personalisation in social care
 — progress in the UK and abroad
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2008
Pages19 pp
SourceDownload from website (23/6/09): http://policy.helptheaged.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/5CC8...
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Community care ; Finance [care] ; France ; Germany ; Netherlands ; Czechoslovakia.
AnnotationThe concepts of self-directed care and. personalisation originate from the In Control movement, which brought together partners from the Valuing People Support Team, Mencap, local authorities and a range of independent organisations. In Control highlighted the benefits of giving social care users who have learning difficulties a single cash budget in lieu of their traditional service packages. This paper briefly introduces the systems of social care provision in France, Germany, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, all of which operate on the basis of personal budgets. In France, "l'allocation personalisée d'autonomie" (APA) was introduced in 2002 and is available for all people over 60 who have difficulty with normal daily activities and are less independent as a result. The Czech Republic began a new system of health insurance in 2007, which since 2002 has been devolved to local government, along with social care provision. Making a contribution to a health insurance scheme is compulsory for all. In Germany, Pflegeversicherung, a system of long-term care insurance was established in 1993. In January 2006, the Dutch healthcare system was radically reformed, establishing a compulsory healthcare insurance scheme with private providers. These systems differ in the details, but are linked by the common principles of user choice and control to which the UK currently aspires. The report discusses what can be learnt from these countries and the key issues to date in developing personalisation in the UK. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-090623205 E
ClassmarkI: L: PA: QC: 765: 767: 76H: 7AC

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