Centre for Policy on Ageing


Effectiveness of a rapid response service for frail older people
Author(s)Kyeung Mi Oh, Anthony M Warnes, Peter Bath
Journal titleNursing Older People, vol 21, no 5, June 2009
Pagespp 25-31
KeywordsRehabilitation ; Aftercare ; Nursing ; Management [care] ; Patients ; Attitude ; Evaluation ; Qualitative Studies ; Quantitative studies ; Barnsley.
AnnotationMany innovative community-based intermediate care services have been initiated to address the care needs of older people with chronic health conditions, but there is little evidence about their outcomes or how they are best configured and delivered. This study aimed to evaluate one practice innovation, a nurse-led rapid response service (RRS) in Barnsley. The study focused on the RRS's clinical and therapeutic achievements and patients' satisfaction with its care. A mixed design of quantitative and qualitative methods was used. Patients were satisfied with staff attitudes, being treated at home or in a home-like environment, and receiving a quick response to their needs and access to services or help. Aspects of care that they were dissatisfied with were inconvenient facilities and insufficient equipment or material supplies; arrangements for their care and recovery; lack of communication, inappropriate medical care; and insufficient or limited duration of care. The RRS provided holistic assessments for a previously under-served group of older people with chronic health problems and disabilities, and identified and responded to several unmet needs, partly through its own treatment, and partly by referring patients to other health and social services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090618214 A
ClassmarkLM: LN: LQ: QA: LF: DP: 4C: 3DP: 3DQ: 85A

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