Centre for Policy on Ageing


Living well with dementia - the National Dementia Strategy
 — joint commissioning framework for dementia
Author(s)Claire Goodchild
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health - DH (Electronic format), London, June 2009
Pages79 pp (Ref: 11198)
SourceDownload from website (16/6/09): http://www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/_library/Resource...
KeywordsDementia ; Early ; Diagnosis ; Health services ; Services ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Coordination ; Standards of provision ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe National Dementia Strategy (NDS) is committed to provide support for commissioners. This Joint Commissioning Framework provides best practice guidance for commissioners to support implementation of the NDS within the context of World Class Commissioning and Putting People First. It refers to the 17 key objectives for services that should be available locally to all under the NDS, of which a joint commissioning strategy is Objective 14. Annexes include weblinks to guidance for the 17 objectives by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE); a template for assessing local dementia needs; development of dementia matrices by the South East Coast Strategic Health Authority; and weblinks to other references. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090616204 E
ClassmarkEA: 4J: LK7: L: I: QK6: QAJ: 583: 6OA

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