Centre for Policy on Ageing


Genetic and environmental determinants of healthy aging
 — insights from exceptional survivors around the globe
Author(s)Bradley J Willcox, D Craig Willcox, Luigi Ferrucci
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, vol 63A, no 11, November 2008
Pagespp 1181-1240 (Special section)
KeywordsCentenarians ; Longevity ; Health [elderly] ; Social surveys ; International ; Denmark ; Japan ; Sweden ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis section of the journal is a collection of eight articles from an assortment of international perspectives that consider factors of healthy ageing that contribute to human longevity. The population groups under scrutiny are American, Danish, Japanese, and Swedish. Discovering protective genetic or environmental factors that enhance healthy ageing and translating these findings into evidence-based interventions is "becoming a research priority". It is noted that much progress has been made in the past four decades, with the ability to travel and study "exceptional survivor" population groups which appear to occur in certain regions e.g. Okinawa and Sardinia. Modern centenarian studies are now beginning to emerge, and this section contributes a novel study on the Okinawa supercentenarians. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090602509 A
ClassmarkBBT: BGA: CC: 3F: 72: 76K: 7DT: 76P: 7T

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