Centre for Policy on Ageing


Overview of evidence relating to shifting the balance of care
 — a contribution to the knowledge base
Author(s)Lucy Johnston, Clare Lardner, Ruth Jepson
Corporate AuthorScottish Government Social Research
PublisherScottish Government, Edinburgh, 2008
Pages81 pp (Health and Community Care)
SourceDownload from website (22/9/08): http://www.scotland.gov.uk/socialresearch
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Community care ; Management [care] ; Policy ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationShifting the balance of care (SBC) is a term used to describe change at a number of levels; examples include shifting the location of care towards more community-based facilities, shifting the focus of care towards long term conditions, and changing the roles and responsibilities of patients and professionals. Of 4,900 items identified in the search for evidence, 601 items remained after screening for relevance and quality. Of these, 205 were high level evidence (e.g. systematic reviews) and are briefly summarised. The remaining 396 primary research studies are mapped to indicate coverage of relevant topics and gaps in the evidence. All 601 studies included in the review can be found on the Shifting the Balance of Care website (www.shiftingthebalance.scot.nhs.uk). Much of the evidence is international in nature, with 16 Scottish studies identified as meeting the quality and relevance review criteria. Overall, this review aims to provide evidence to inform further development in this broad policy area. It provides an overview of the range of evidence available; highlights areas of consensus and divergence; distils key learning points; and identifies gaps in evidence. Specifically, the review sought to identify evidence relating to the costs and benefits of initiatives designed to "shift the balance of care" (in whatever way), and the impact - positive or negative - on patients, service users and carers, and on services themselves. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090527205 E
ClassmarkL: I: PA: QA: QAD: 64A

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