Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older and wiser
 — road safety advice for older people
Corporate AuthorManchester Road Safety; Valuing Older People in Manchester; Manchester Joint Health Unit
PublisherManchester City Council, Manchester, 2008
Pages12 pp
SourceValuing Older People, Manchester Joint Health Unit, Room 4042, Town Hall Extension, Manchester M60 2LA. email: vop@manchester.gov.uk
KeywordsPedestrian transport ; Driving capability ; Bicycles ; Wheelchairs ; Accident prevention ; Manchester.
AnnotationManchester Road Safety aims to reduce the number and severity of road traffic casualties in Manchester by working together with other agencies. This pamphlet provides practical advice for older pedestrians, cyclists and drivers; also on safety about the Metrolink tram /light rail system. The website (www.manchester.gov.uk/roadsafety) suggests a more comprehensive list of internet links about road safety. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090508003 P
ClassmarkOE: OPF: O5M: MFA: OQ: 83E *

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