Centre for Policy on Ageing


Psychiatric out-patient clinics for older adults
 — highly regarded by users and carers, but irreplaceable?
Author(s)Rashi Negi, Jeremy Seymour, Christopher Flemons
Journal titlePsychiatric Bulletin, vol 33, no 4, April 2009
Pagespp 127-129
KeywordsPsychiatric treatment ; Geriatric out-patients clinics ; Attitude ; Usage [services] ; Informal care ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe aim of this study was to explore older users' and carers' views of attending out-patient clinics for older adults. A questionnaire was designed to be distributed to all patients attending out-patient clinics for a period of 1 month in January 2007. The response rate for returning the completed questionnaire was 71%, and 95% of these respondents were satisfied with their overall experience of attending out-patient clinics. Although satisfaction levels were high with every aspect of out-patient clinics, 49% preferred the hypothetical option of being seen at home. The role of psychiatric out-patient departments for older adults merits further research, comparing cost and user/carer acceptability with home or general practitioner surgery-based treatment. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090408237 A
ClassmarkLP: L6G: DP: QLD: P6: 3F

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