Centre for Policy on Ageing


Getting personal : a fair deal for better care and support
 — the report of Hampshire County Council's Commission of Inquiry into Personalisation and the future of adult social care
Author(s)Ken Thornber
Corporate AuthorCommission of Inquiry into Personalisation, Hampshire County Council
PublisherHampshire County Council, Winchester, November 2008
Pages140 pp
SourceHantsdirect, The Castle, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8ZB. tel: 0845 603 5625
KeywordsServices ; Community care ; Social Services Departments ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Policy ; Hampshire.
AnnotationPersonalisation means that support and care are built around the individual, taking account of personal needs. Comprising experts from a variety of organisations and interests, the Commission has produced a set of national recommendations and the formation of a complementary model for putting people first in Hampshire (Appendix E). This wide-ranging report includes comments on issues from self funders, support for carers, funding personalised care and social care, to the care market and regulation. The Commission proposes a new system for adult social care which must be underpinned by these principles: person-centred; fair and inclusive; clear, easy to understand and accessible; an expressed joint responsibility; and affordable and sustainable. The Commission makes recommendations on: a Universal Offer; free urgent care; a savings disregard; the legal framework; retention of Fair Access to Care (FACS); a resource allocation system; benefits; joint working with health services (including targeted early intervention and prevention); user involvement; carers; the market and infrastructure; risk, quality and outcomes; the workforce; and place shaping and community capacity. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090407201 B
ClassmarkI: PA: PF: QAJ: QK6: QAD: 8H

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