Centre for Policy on Ageing


Developing multidisciplinary assessment
 — exploring the evidence from a social care perspective
Author(s)Caroline Sutcliffe, Jane Hughes, Michele Abendstern
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 23, no 12, December 2008
Pagespp 1297-1305
KeywordsCognitive impairment ; Independence ; Health services ; Services ; Needs [elderly] ; Multi disciplinary ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThis paper provides an initial evaluation of the impact of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in England upon practice regarding multidisciplinary assessment. It aims to investigate changes in recorded health needs of older people and in the number of multidisciplinary assessments undertaken using social care agencies' case files; and to examine different approaches to the use of multidisciplinary assessment for older people with different health needs. An audit of case files of older people living in the community in receipt of social care in three areas was carried out at two time periods before and after the implementation of SAP in 2004. Information extracted from files covered a number of domains, including evidence of multidisciplinary assessment, and practice of mental and physical health problems. Data for 144 files for Time 1 were compared to 145 from Time 2. Little evidence emerged that older people at Time 2 were more dependent. However, significantly more multidisciplinary assessments were undertaken following the introduction of the SAP, in particular by occupational therapists and secondary health care teams. Cognitive impairment was a significant predictor of multidisciplinary assessment at both time periods. The impact of the introduction of the SAP has been mediated by the influence of other policies in England: intermediate care and integrated health and social care protection. Nevertheless, the data suggest that consideration be given to more effective targeting of multidisciplinary assessment on the grounds of both cost and more accurate identification of those who will benefit from the process. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090402205 A
ClassmarkE4: C3: L: I: IK: 3DM: 4C

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