Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sense of coherence amongst male caregivers in dementia
 — a South African perspective
Author(s)Chrisma Pretorius, Stephen Walker, P Malan Heyns
Journal titleDementia: the international journal of social research and practice, vol 8, no 1, February 2009
Pagespp 79-94
KeywordsDementia ; Husbands as carers ; Well being ; Qualitative Studies ; South Africa.
AnnotationIn a study of 10 South African men caring for spouses suffering from dementia, their experiences were explored from a salutogenic perspective using qualitative analysis methods based on data obtained from semi-structured interviews. An orientational analysis approach was followed and the data were analysed in terms of Antonovsky's sense of coherence construct. Qualitative findings were compared to participant responses to quantitative measures. Stressors most often reported were cognitive impairment, behaviour problems, a lack of free time, erosion of the relationship, family conflict and financial concerns. Factors facilitating caregiver coping included support from their daughters, their ability to find meaning and satisfaction within the context of the caregiving task, and the successful utilisation of active, problem-focused coping strategies. Men generally appear to be effective and capable caregivers. However, their approach to caregiving differs from that of their female peers. Task-oriented problem solving, effective use of the available support resources and the ability to find both meaning and satisfaction in their caring appear characteristic of effective male caregivers of spouses with dementia. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090304205 A
ClassmarkEA: P6:SNA: D:F:5HH: 3DP: 7PM

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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