Centre for Policy on Ageing


Putting people first : equality and diversity matters
 — 2: Providing appropriate services for black and minority ethnic people
Corporate AuthorCommission for Social Care Inspection - CSCI
Journal titleInFocus, no 8, August 2008
PublisherCommission for Social Care Inspection - CSCI, London, August 2008
Pages59 pp (CSCI 232)
SourceCommission for Social Care Inspection, 33 Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QF. Orderline: 0870 240 7535 csci@accessplus.co.uk http://www.csci.org.uk/publications
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Services ; Usage [services] ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis is the second in a series of three bulletins in the InFocus series designed to help service providers in considering the personalisation agenda in social care with regard to equality and diversity issues. This bulletin focuses on black and minority ethnic people using services. A number of sources of information were used to write this bulletin: the National Minimum Standards; focus groups using a range of services; individual interviews with the user group; a representative sample of Annual Quality Assurance Assessment (AQAA) forms (n=400); and discussion groups with service providers. A summary of key points of benefit to both service users and providers suggests ways in which points and examples of good practice may be put into action in developing a strategy for race equality in service provision. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090304201 B
ClassmarkTK: I: QLD: 583

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