Centre for Policy on Ageing


It's a heck of a gamble, isn't it?
 — attitudes of older people towards the use of assets for pooling risk of care costs
Corporate AuthorOpinion Leader; Age Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern Reports, London, January 2009
Pages39 pp
SourceAge Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER. Website: http://www.ageconcern.org.uk
KeywordsCommunity care ; Domiciliary services ; Usage [services] ; Costs [care] ; Attitude ; Social surveys.
AnnotationIn order to inform its contribution to the debate on the future of care and support in England, about which the Government is to publish a Green Paper in 2009, Age Concern England (ACE) commissioned Opinion Leader to undertake focus groups on the subject. The aim was to test out people's attitudes towards using assets as a method of pooling risks against the potentially catastrophic costs of long-term care. The research tested reactions to a scheme in which people aged 65 would be automatically enrolled at a cost of about £15000, a National Care Fund, a model that has been proposed by the International Longevity Centre (ILC UK). In return for this payment, individuals would have peace of mind to know that any future care costs would be covered. This report presents findings from the six focus groups which also discussed other ways of pooling risks: National Insurance; an age 40+ income tax; or payment at death. Among key themes emerging were: a perception that the current system of funding care is unfair; support for risk pooling in principle, but that ring fencing is critical; preference for a National Insurance model; and opposition to a charge linked to ownership of assets. There was strong consensus on how the fund would work, and that the care fund should pay for every aspect of care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090302514 B
ClassmarkPA: N: QLD: QDC: DP: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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